
Cinema program "Frost" in Bytom

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Movie poster Szron
Original title: Frost
Runtime: 115 min.
Production: Litwa/Francja/Ukraina/Polska , 2017
Category: drama
Release Date: 16 February 2018
Distribution: Nowe Horyzonty

Directed by: Sarunas Bartas
Cast: Andrzej Chyra, Mantas Janciauskas, Lyja Maknaviciute

Two young Lithuanians, Rokas and Inga, become volunteers who travel from Lithuania to Ukraine with a convoy of humanitarian assistance. Their plans are changing along the way. Through Poland and western Ukraine they enter the snowy areas of the Donbass, guided by curiosity, approaching the front lines to feel the danger of war on their own skin. The frost, which premiered at the Cannes festival in the section Quinzaine des Réalisateurs, is built of elements well known to admirers of the original concept of cinema Šarūnas Bartas. This minimalist road movie is based on dramatic asceticism, naturalistic, monochromatic images and slow narration. The economical emotional layer hides a strong, universal meaning. About completely invisible suffering and cruelty of war, grim people involved in it, devastated and sad landscapes. Frost is a Franco-Lithuanian-Ukrainian co-production, in which Poland also joined. In the background, Lithuanian actors are accompanied by the French actress Vanessa Paradis and Andrzej Chyra, and naturszczycy - soldiers who take part in the war and watch the situation on the journalists' front, in the background the disturbing music of Paweł Mykietyn sounds. Frost represents Lithuania in the Oscar race.

Bartas' film reveals the current picture of Ukrainian reality - said Polish co-producers, Maria Blicharska and Monika Sajko-Gradowska. - Šarūnas Bartas is always looking for the truth, no matter how difficult and brutal are the emotions that accompany her. This film shaped encounters with people from the conflict area, real soldiers fighting in the Donbass and improvised dialogues appear on the screen.

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Movie trailer: Frost

Your comments

aleksander 26. February 2018, 11:18

trudny film, fabularno-dokumentalny, mowi o tym co na prawde dzieje sie TERAZ na Ukrainie, trwa dwie godziny... ale jak juz sie wytrwa to sie nie zaluje! wystepuja w nim prawdziwi Ukrainscy zolnierze, prawdziwi miedzynarodowi korespondenci...

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