Cinema program "Deadpool 2" in Bytom
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"Deadpool 2"
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Runtime: 119 min.
Production: USA , 2018
Category: action / adventure / comedy
Release Date: 18 May 2018
Distribution: Imperial Cinepix
Directed by: David Leitch
Cast: Ryan Reynolds, Josh Brolin, Morena Baccarin
Defeated by the deadly attack of cattle from the factory canteen (Wade Wilson), he will not stop at anything to fulfill the biggest dream of his life - he wants to be elected the sexiest bartender of the local chain of milk bars and prove that he has not yet been born that could have inflate in cocoa. At the same time, he struggles to regain the lost sense of taste and the stolen stream capacitor, confronting ninja warriors, Japanese yakuza gangsters and a pack of aggressive sexually quadrupeds. Traveling around the globe, he discovers the strength of the family, friendship and spicy taste of adventure, and by the way he wins the desired cup for the World's Best Lover.

Movie trailer: Deadpool 2
Your comments
ujdzie...można obejrzeć..nie dla dzieci
spoko. dużo obśmianych nawiązań z innych filmów superbohaterskich. wiecej akcji no i humor nie dla każdego jak na deadpoola przystało wiec ok.
Gimnazjalny poziom humoru, czyli calkiem jak jedynka. Kto co lubi. Dla mnie 5/10
lepszy od jedynki - polecam
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